Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

Salon: Drinking culture - Why some thinkers believe human civilization owes its existence to alcohol

What if alcohol was not merely a vice, but one of the triggers that sparked the dawn of human civilization — in essence, the very thing that shifted us from hunter-gatherers to agrarians? This is a provocative thesis, and one that might upset Puritans. Yet it has some serious adherents, including philosopher Edward Slingerland.
— Troy Farah
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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

The Guardian: Last Orders - how we fell out of love with alcohol

Could it be that despite the rational basis for abstention, something might also be lost? In his 2021 book, Drunk, Edward Slingerland grapples with this very question. A professor of philosophy at the University of British Columbia, he believes the current consensus on alcohol consumption isn’t quite right.
— Michael Segalov

Michael Segalov, “Last orders: how we fell out of love with alcohol,” The Guardian, January 15, 2023

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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

The Atlantic: The Meaning of Dry January

Slingerland, the author of Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization, is, for the first time, participating in Dry January, the annual tradition where drinkers go sober for the first month of the year. (Slingerland is doing just half the month.) In doing so, he’ll join a growing number of Americans (according to one poll, as much as one-fifth of the population) who participate in the annual campaign, which originated in the United Kingdom a decade ago.
— Caroline Mimbs Nyce

Caroline Mimbs Nyce, “The Meaning of Dry January,” The Atlantic, January 11, 2023

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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

La Razón: Cuando la borrachera es algo más que una fiesta

Con estas premisas y preguntándose el papel civilizatorio del alcohol, Edward Slingerland, filósofo especialista en pensamiento chino, escribe una monumental obra sobre la importancia de la embriaguez de ayer a hoy. Y lo hace remontándose a notables antigüedades, históricas y prehistóricas, combinadas con datos científicos de la evolución cognitiva del ser humano y de la investigación actual, psicológica y sociológica. El resultado es sencillamente apasionante.
— David Hernández De La Fuente

David Hernández De La Fuente, “Cuando la borrachera es algo más que una fiesta,” La Razón, December 9, 2022

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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

L’actualité: De la boisson

Son essai intitulé Drunk est certainement l’argument le plus convaincant en faveur de la consommation d’alcool un peu moins modérée que ce que nous suggèrent les règles de bienséance et les poncifs de la tempérance à tout prix. En passant par la psychologie, l’histoire, les neurosciences, la psychopharmacologie et l’anthropologie, il nous rappelle les bienfaits associés à l’ivresse.
— David Desjardins

David Desjardins, “De la boisson,” L’actualité, November 30, 2022

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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

Il Foglio: Fuori l'alcol dai drink americani, dentro il thc. Ma dove saremmo senza Bacco?

“Sbronzi”, un libro sul bere come collante della società. Edward Slingerland sostiene che, per essere sopravvisuta così a lungo “i vantaggi dell’ebbrezza – nel corso della storia umana – devono aver superato le conseguenze negative più ovvie”
— Giulio Silvano

Giulio Silvano, “Fuori l'alcol dai drink americani, dentro il thc. Ma dove saremmo senza Bacco?,” Il Foglio, November 5, 2022

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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

El País: El alcohol, ese lubricante social que explica en parte el éxito de la civilización

El alcohol, afirma Slingerland, se relaciona con una mejora en el pensamiento lateral, lo que activa nuestra creatividad, y es un facilitador de la sociabilidad: reduce las inhibiciones, aumenta elementos químicos de la felicidad, como la serotonina o las endorfinas, y nos hace menos propensos a mentir. Así se han logrado avances comunitarios
— Alberto Palomo
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Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno Books: Drunk Albert Cotugno

Soziopolis: Homo bibens

Dem populärwissenschaftlich geschriebenen Buch liegt eine sorgfältige Argumentation zugrunde, deren Grundgerüst aus aktuellen evolutionspsychologischen, archäologischen und kognitionswissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen besteht; angereichert mit allerhand historischen Kuriositäten bietet es eine anregende Sicht auf die Vorzüge der gelegentlichen Berauschung.
— Matthias Duller

Matthias Duller, “Homo bibens,” Soziopolis, October 13, 2022

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